
What is it about our families? These bonds that make us?

Families are blood. Families are choice. Families are golden moments that turn into precious memories. Families are silliness and inside jokes and that one particular saying that nobody else gets. Families are culture. Families are community. Families are made. Families are magical. Families grow us.

And for us here at Plaid Llama Studios, family is home. Our home, our family is the center of our life. As parents, we see the incredible value in capturing our precious ones at every stage. As children, we understand that our parents should join in those moments we capture - and get to enjoy the benefit of the moments we've created favorite portraits from, through prints and digital downloads. And we're committed to doing the very same for yours: capturing the moments - in every stage, at every age. Family sessions start at $550. Contact us to today to schedule a consult for your family session, and let us create timeless memories with you.

READY TO BOOK YOUR Family Session?

It's time to dive in! Click here or below to get in touch, and we'll get started on your journey with Plaid Llama Studios. I can't wait to connect with you and make some memories and some imagery that reflects the beauty of your family and who you are now... To look back on with joy that lasts a lifetime!